Monday, September 17, 2007

Lento = Slowly

Julieta Venegas

The song is about the possibility of a relationship.
More importantly the request to take it slowly.

If you want the lyrics in English let me know and I will translate them.

Andar Conmigo = Be With Me
Me Voy = I'll Leave
Algo Esta Cambiando = Something is Changing

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Office Love

The Office set to Mika's "Love Today":

The thing I love most about the Office is the Jim and Pam storyline. It is the hopeless romantic inside of me that surfaces when I watch their story unfold. Check out the following videos and you will see what I mean:

the Story of Jim and Pam (Part 1 of 28)

Watch All Episodes of The Office.

All this feels strange and untrue... (Set to "Open Your Eyes")
I could write a book... (Set to "Swallowed in the Sea")
All I needed... (Set to "Only You")